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Bringing Hope to Vulnerable Girls in Kenya

Agatha was excelling academically, was well liked among her friends, and dreamed of becoming a teacher when she grew up. At twelve years old, she had high hopes for what her future would hold.

Everything changed one evening on her way home from school when a man (known to her family) violently attacked her. Over time, her physical wounds began to heal, but the experience left Agatha severely traumatized.

Agatha’s trauma was intensified when her own family disregarded her pain and pleas for help and made no effort to bring her attacker to justice.

Feeling isolated and worthless, Agatha pulled away from all relationships in her life and became fearful of even leaving her own home. Sadly, she dropped out of school…and dropped out of life. Her high hopes for the future and dreams of becoming a teacher died.

Tragically, Agatha’s story is not an uncommon one in Kenya. Childhood abuse and violence, child marriage, and female genital mutilation run rampant. As in Agatha’s case, the majority of violence goes unreported, and because Kenya’s justice system is often wholly inadequate, the guilty go free while the innocent continue to pay the price.

HopeCo feels called to respond...to see a systemic change in people’s understanding of the real (and often silent) issues girls and women face. The cycles of abuse that ravage families and communities must be broken. Protecting children must become a priority. Justice must be served. 

With your help, HopeCo’s response to these needs in Kenya includes: 

RESCUE AND HEALING for girls escaping abuse. Our new safe house will provide care and support for up to 10 girls who need protection, love, and Biblical, trauma-informed counseling. 

EMPOWERMENT of vulnerable young women through training programs that provide them with the skills needed to earn an income and care for their families in the future. 

ADVOCACY by speaking out and acting on behalf of those in need, training families and community leaders, and working with the authorities to seek justice for the defenseless. 

You can be part of transforming the lives of young women desperate for rescue, healing, and hope. Will you partner with us and give every month to the girls living in our safe house in Kenya? Will you respond and give girls like Agatha the opportunity to experience loving care as they rebuild their lives?