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Give Kids New Hope for a Brighter Future!

Thank you for caring for at-risk children in East Africa this year. Your partnership really does make a lasting impact - here’s how:

YOUR KINDNESS has changed Mercy’s life.

The police helped us rescue Mercy from shocking sexual abuse. She is now protected in our safe house, is back in school, and is healing from her trauma. Most importantly, Mercy recently gave her life to Jesus!

YOUR CARE gave Vincent a future.

When Vincent arrived at City of Hope, he would not speak, refused to make friends, and had no interest in school. Vincent is now a lively, happy boy who is thriving with his studies and loves attending church each Sunday!

YOUR SUPPORT offered Cecilia new hope.

Cecilia is a single teen mom. When escaping her cruel, abusive husband, she feared being unable to provide for her two small children. In our women’s empowerment program, Cecilia is learning vital skills to help her earn an income and care for her family.

Change is happening!

In 2023, we provided quality education and care to 520 children in Tanzania and Kenya. Thousands of people received vital medical help. Girls were rescued from abuse. Young moms were empowered. And lives were changed forever by the gospel! THANK YOU for your partnership!

But we are not finished. Not by a long way. Children need your help today!

In 2024, we are going to do EVEN MORE! Here’s how your gift before December 31 will help give precious children new hope:

15 NEW KIDS NEED RESCUE AND A LOVING HOME. Your gift will help rescue an abandoned or abused child and meet their physical, emotional, and educational needs. Most importantly, they will receive a Bible and learn about God’s love for them! Fifteen NEW children will be rescued in 2024. The cost of meeting the physical, emotional, educational, and spiritual needs of one child at City of Hope for a full year is $1,900.

50 COLLEGE STUDENTS DESERVE A PROMISING FUTURE. We will have more than 50 young people in college in 2024, studying to become teachers, nurses, accountants, and business leaders. For many of our students studying in college, tuition fees and books average $2,500 annually. Your gift towards their tuition and books will bless and encourage them as they pursue their dreams and reach their full potential!

20 MORE YOUNG MOMS MUST HAVE TRAINING AND HOPE. Another 20 young moms will be trained to sew in our women’s empowerment programs in 2024, allowing them to get a job or start a business and provide for their families. It costs only $800 to train one young mom for a whole year. Your generous gift will help provide them with their own sewing machine, training and mentoring, and the hope they need for a better future!

Your generous gift - of any size - is VITAL for giving hope and a future to vulnerable kids, their families, and communities!
Simply use the link below to make your gift!

Thank You for Caring!