Meet Brenda - a HopeCo Missionary!
We have a new HopeCo team member to introduce to you! Brenda Smith is serving with HopeCo in East Africa as a long-term missionary. We are excited to have Brenda join our team and for the passion she has for serving vulnerable kids, families, and women in Tanzania and Kenya. Here is a little more about Brenda!
Can you SHARE about yourself and your call to missions?
“I grew up in Indiana with a small, close-knit family. I am a mother of three and a grandmother of ten who range anywhere from 22 years old down to a one-year-old. I love spending time with my family, walking on the beach, and hanging out with my friends. Many, many years ago, I felt God ask me if I would be willing to go anywhere from him. I said yes, but didn’t think much of it. I was a nurse’s aide at the time and was focused on raising my kids.
In 2013, my husband left me, and later that year, my sister asked if I would be willing to go with her on a mission trip to Guatemala. I couldn’t afford it, but I agreed to pray about it. Our church had scholarship money and felt led to pay for my trip in full. It was then that I knew God was calling me to missions!
I went to Guatemala again two years later, but in 2018 God called me in a different direction. Our church was sending a team to Kenya, and my daughter had sponsored a kid there for many years - we both ended up going on that mission trip. When I arrived in Kenya, it was very clear that I was where God had prepared me to serve all the years before. I started fundraising quickly after the mission trip, quit my job in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, and went overseas full-time. God has provided abundantly!”
What will your MINISTRY with HopeCo look like?
“I am still getting adjusted, and I am so excited to see what doors God will open within these ministries. There are a few different programs that I will be helping with, including the children and staff in HopeCo’s new project in Mitaboni, a mentorship program in the local community surrounding City of Hope, assisting with hosting mission teams, and working with HopeCo’s child sponsorship program! I am excited to get to work with Hudson and Hilda, and the other staff at City of Hope. What has stood out so far has been the genuineness of everyone! They are teaching me, as an American, to focus on relationships instead of my to-do list.”
What are your favorite things about living in Africa - and the challenges?
“I love the culture here and how everyone is focused on the present moment and relationships. I also love how beautiful the country is, and going for drives on the safari lands. It is truly breathtaking!
I miss my family the most, and it is challenging being so far away from them. There are also small everyday things that can be difficult when living overseas, like setting up a bank account, renewing your driver’s license in the US, and working across a language barrier.”
What would you like your supporters to know?
“I would love for them to know that they are changing lives! Their support has such an impact, and although many of them may be unable to travel over here, I want them to hear about the lives they are changing for the Kingdom.
God has and will continue to provide abundantly, and I am thankful for the community of supporters I have as part of this ministry!”
“During visits to Kenya, I have seen firsthand how God is using Brenda’s compassion and love to be an encouragement and blessing to vulnerable children, young women, and those who serve alongside her. I am delighted that she is now part of the HopeCo team, and I look forward to seeing how the Lord will continue to use the gifts He has given her for His glory!”
You can support Brenda and her ministry by praying for her and giving financially! Would you consider making a special gift today or becoming a monthly partner to support her ministry?