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Internships and Individual Service with HopeCo


 Your Trip with HopeCo

We are excited that you are interested in serving vulnerable children, families, and communities in East Africa - thank you for caring! Below you will find everything you need to know about our internship and longer-term service program: an overview of HopeCo, available service opportunities, trip logistics, and much more!

Serving with HopeCo will be a meaningful time of adventure, learning, and personal growth. Let’s get you ready to go!


Our vision is to see transformed lives and flourishing communities in Tanzania, Kenya, and across East Africa. Driven by our faith in Jesus, we provide quality holistic care that creates lasting transformation, enabling children, their families, and communities to flourish. Everything we do is rooted in our core values:

  • Faith: The call and example of Jesus Christ motivates us and guides us in all we do. Read our Statement of Faith.

  • Empowerment: We speak out, encourage, and seek justice for the vulnerable.

  • Partnership: As an international team, we learn, collaborate, and grow together.

  • Leadership: We nurture capable local leaders so they can flourish and lead with excellence.

WHY BE AN INTERN or serve longer-term WITH HOPECO?

Our internships and trips designed for individuals are created to encourage participants to grow spiritually as they see and experience how God is working in another culture.

Interns and other volunteers can use their time of service as an opportunity to grow their personal faith, their understanding of culture, and their firsthand awareness of how God is working in another part of the world. For some interns and volunteers, this can help cast a vision for longer-term engagement in mission work through prayer, financial giving, and further practical service.

Our Commitment to Excellence

HopeCo is committed to the highest possible standards and best practices in sending teams and interns to East Africa. That’s why we are accredited members of MissionExcellence and committed to following their seven standards for short-term missions.


Internship and Individual Trip Logistics

Click on each section to learn more about serving with HopeCo as an intern…

    1. Submit Application Form: This includes some initial questions about dates, service interests, your skills, etc.

    2. Initial Phone Call: A chance to get to know more about HopeCo, ask questions, and tell us about yourself!

    3. Zoom or Face-to-Face Interview (if offered): This will include discussions about your Christian faith, any overseas experience you have, other work experience, and why you would like to serve with us.

    4. Reference Check and Background Check: You will be required to submit three references and pass a background check.

    5. Notification of HopeCo’s decision about your application.

  • The price of your trip will depend on the length of service time, optional safari, and cost of flights. See a general breakdown below. If you are accepted, we will work with you to develop an exact cost breakdown for you.

    Base cost (travel insurance, in-country transport, Kenya accommodations (while traveling), work permit, contribution to the program, and logistical support)= $1,400

    Airfare (subject to change depending on dates) = $1,500

    Monthly Room and Board Cost (includes accommodation and food) =$800

  • Our Mission Team Handbook is a great resource for you as prepare for your internship! The handbook contains trip expectations, visa instructions, packing lists, useful Swahili words, and SO much more.

    Read the Mission Team Handbook here!

    After being accepted into HopeCo’s internship program, you will be required to complete training before traveling to East Africa. You will get more detailed information and instructions upon acceptance, but preparation for your trip will consist of:

    1. Child Safeguarding Training

    2. HopeCo Video Training (5 episodes)

    3. Completing Required Forms

    4. Reading Additional Resources


Service Opportunities at HopeCo


Pastoral SUPPORT and Discipleship

Social work
and Counseling


child sponsorship assistant


Photography/ videography Specialist



Maintenance and Construction

Other opportunities - let’s talk!



Testimonials From Team Members

The City of Hope is a wonderful place full of God’s love! You see it in the big smiles on everyone’s faces and you feel it in the warm welcome you receive. I felt so at home and enjoyed every moment of this amazing opportunity!
— Jackie Mullen, 2022 Mission Team Member
There is no more extraordinary deed than to sow positively into someone else’s future. You would have not only lived for a greater purpose but also a life worthy of emulating... This is what the City of Hope and those supporting her cause stand for!
— Ramon Ayoade, 2023 Mission Team Leader
This trip has truly changed Reece and me. We felt and continue to feel so much joy, peace, and love from the kids and the staff. Immediately upon arrival at the City of Hope, I heard from the team members how at home they felt. The children and staff have a deep reverence for the Lord that has strongly impacted me. My spirit feels so enriched. You are truly continuing to change the world in the states and in Tanzania.
— Angela O'Connell, 2019 Mission Team Member

 More Questions? Contact Kristi!

Kristi Smith

Mission Teams Administrator

Thank you again for your willingness to serve children and families in East Africa - they can’t wait to meet you! We are here to support you as you prepare for your trip, and to answer any questions you may have.

You can reach out to Kristi Smith with any questions you have regarding your trip, travel, or other HopeCo related questions.

We are excited to welcome you to City of Hope, soon!