Pursuing Our Vision: Transformed Lives... Flourishing Communities
Jesus Christ is our example
At HopeCo, we believe that Jesus Christ alone changes lives forever. That’s why we keep Christ at the center of all we do, in every program we run, guiding every decision we make. Our goal is to help each student know and embrace the love that their Heavenly Father has for them, and then live out His unique plan for them.
And we are thrilled to see our kids doing just that! “I want to do whatever God has for me,” says Judith. “I plan to become a nurse practitioner so I can help people and share about what God has done in my life.” Julianna wants to start a school in her home village in Tanzania, because “girls there are forced into marriage at a young age, but if I can get them into school, they can get an education, learn about Jesus, and do the things they dream about.”
Young women like Judith and Julianna are responding to the call and example of Jesus!
Speaking out and seeking justice
In many areas of East Africa, girls and young women face a destructive and growing wave of sexual violence, teen pregnancies, and early forced marriage. Although it is illegal, female genital mutilation is still a significant problem. And as the sole breadwinner, widowed and abandoned women struggle daily to feed their children. Fear and despair reign.
HopeCo is committed to speaking up about these issues and helping effect lasting change. Girls and young women in our programs are empowered to get an education, say “no” to harmful cultural practices, and develop leadership skills. As a result, we’ve seen attitudes towards female genital mutilation changing in the communities where we serve. And our new Home of Comfort in Kenya will be a safe haven for girls rescued from traumatic abuse.
“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute.”
-Proverbs 31: 8-9 (NIV)
Josephine* was forcibly married at the age of 16. This mother and her three young children were later kicked out of their home by her husband so he could marry another woman. With no education or skill of any kind, feeding her children was an uphill battle every day.
When Josephine heard about our Women’s Empowerment Program, she showed up at our door the very next day. “This is a great opportunity,” she says. “I can now earn an income, provide food for my family, and pay school fees for my children. I make dresses, shirts, and skirts, and plan to open my own workshop after I graduate.”
By empowering women, families flourish and are changed forever!
Learning and Growing Together | “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” -African Proverb
Partnerships are at the heart of all that we do at HopeCo! So much more can be accomplished when we join hands with others and serve together. Children, families, and entire communities are transformed. We treasure the healthy partnerships we have (and the new ones yet to come) with the communities we serve, government agencies, other nonprofits, churches, and each of our supporters around the world.
We are especially encouraged by one of our church partners, Community Church in Ashburn, VA. Lead Pastor, Charlie Whitlow (pictured right) reflects on his visit to City of Hope… “The entire atmosphere speaks hope! Miracles are happening… Dreams are coming true. If you can, go there and see it yourself- you will be inspired!” We are delighted that a team of nearly 15 members from Community Church is taking Pastor Charlie’s advice and will be serving on a mission trip to City of Hope in Tanzania this summer!
Interested in how your church can partner with HopeCo? Contact matt@joinhopeco.com to get the conversation started!
Let’s watch what God will do when we join hands and serve together!
Growing local leaders | “Everything rises and falls on leadership.” -John Maxwell
As our work has grown in Tanzania and expanded into Kenya, we have seen the truth of this statement lived out through the capable, dedicated, and passionate local leaders God has brought to HopeCo. And, we are committed to developing more leaders- among our staff and children- who seek God daily, who demonstrate humility and integrity, and who are devoted to pursuing justice for the weak and vulnerable.
We look forward to seeing how the children and young people we serve today will grow and mature to become the leaders and changemakers of tomorrow… In their families, workplaces, churches, communities, and nations as they pursue what God has for them!
“Today, our students are fasting and praying together. This is all their initiative. Our children are on fire for the Lord.”
-Hudson Mahare, regional director | February 13, 2022
Please pray with us that even more lives will be transformed, families restored, and communities given hope!
*Name changed to protect privacy