Sharing HOPE Together!
We are delighted to share with you HopeCo’s Annual Progress Report. The last year has been an exciting time of rescuing, protecting, educating, and caring for vulnerable children and their families in East Africa. We are pleased to share some of the specifics that help tell the story of what YOUR faithful partnership has accomplished!
in the past year, your gifts have helped:
Serve more than 475 children enrolled in our children’s home, safe house, and schools
Benefit thousands more people through medical programs and community outreach
Offer protection and safety to children who have faced abuse and violence
Expand our work to meet the needs of vulnerable girls and women in Kenya
Support 33 Tanzanian students in school and college in the US
Share the Good News of Jesus, encourage children and families to give their lives to Him, and disciple those that make commitments
Together in 2021, we raised a total of $1,202,361 to give hope and a future to vulnerable children who, without you, would remain trapped in cycles of poverty, abuse, and exploitation. And we are seeing remarkable changes happening in many of these kids’ lives! Thank you for your partnership in giving enduring HOPE to precious children and their families!
Your Support is Changing Lives - Like Emmanuel’s!
Many children in East Africa live in crisis situations. Families are torn apart by violence and abuse. Many orphaned or abandoned children live on the streets. Thousands of girls end up in child marriage.
Because of your partnership, HopeCo’s vision to change this picture is becoming a reality. And it’s already happening in Emmanuel’s life. Growing up in a broken family, every day brought misery and hopelessness. But thanks to your help, Emmanuel was rescued, cared for, and will enroll in college this year.
Emmanuel wants you to know:
“You have REALLY helped me. Because of you, I have completed my high school education and can now attend university. Life has not been easy for me, but through your support and my Heavenly Father’s help, I have done it! I have nothing I can give back to you except to say, “thank you” and pray that God would bless you.”
Emmanuel is just one of the hundreds of young people whose lives have been changed forever!
“Because of your generosity and love, orphans and vulnerable children have nutritious food to eat, a safe place to sleep, and a quality education. Women are empowered, families have dignity, and the community has healthcare. We see God at work in amazing ways. Thank you, my dear friends!”
-Hudson Mahare, Regional Director for Africa
For the full Annual Report, including our impact, financials, partnership opportunities, and more, click below!