She’s here! Celebrate the first rescue at the Home of Comfort!

Do you remember the picture of the empty bed that we shared a couple of weeks ago?

We can share some inspiring news with you today – that bed is now filled! The first girl has been rescued to our safe house, the Home of Comfort, in Kenya!

Theresa (not her real name for confidentiality reasons) and her two-month-old baby girl have been saved from a horrific abusive situation and are now being protected. Tragically, Theresa’s own mother appears to have been complicit in enabling the terrible abuse she endured. 

This case is now being pursued through the legal system in Kenya, and we have been given permission to care for Theresa and her baby for an initial period of three months. During this time, she will receive care, counseling, and support while we explore long-term options for her and her child.

Please keep Theresa and her baby girl in your prayers – for healing, restoration, and a clear way forward to be identified for her. 

In the meantime, we are working with the Kenyan authorities to identify further girls who urgently need rescue. The abuse of young girls is a huge problem in Kenya, and we are committed to responding.


Our vision for vulnerable girls in Kenya escaping sexual abuse, violence, trafficking, child marriage, and female genital mutilation does not stop with their rescue! As we grow this vital work, we will:

  • Work with local schools and community groups in Kenya to raise children’s awareness about abuse and how it can be prevented

  • Provide professional, trauma-informed counseling to girls who have survived abuse in the past

  • Partner with other nonprofits to bring the perpetrators of abuse to justice through the courts

  • Collaborate with community and government agencies to introduce safeguards that protect children from abuse

Friends, we believe that God is calling us to “speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves” (Proverbs 31:8.) 

YOU can give lasting hope to these precious girls! hERE’S hOW:

  • Make a special gift to help care for Theresa and her baby - and the other girls we expect to rescue in the coming weeks

  • Become a Hope Partner and contribute $100 or more a month to care for precious girls who have suffered trauma

Finally, would you share this blog with someone you know - maybe a family member, a neighbor, or someone from your church - who might be interested in finding out more?

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