Our Continued Fight Against the Evil of FGM Guest UserFebruary 6, 2023abuse, safeguarding, children, women
Even MORE: Growing our Impact in 2023 Guest UserDecember 27, 2022children, education, medical care, family
The Lasting Impact of Your Partnership Guest UserOctober 20, 2022children, medical care, education, empowerment, safeguarding
Celebrating our first mission team since 2019! Guest UserSeptember 2, 2022partners, children, stories
Vulnerable girls are now safe and on the path to healing! Guest UserAugust 22, 2022empowerment, abuse, children, women, safeguarding
Sharing HOPE Together! Guest UserAugust 18, 2022children, education, medical care, empowerment, stories, partners
Girls are now safe from violence and abuse - because of YOU! Guest UserJuly 8, 2022women, empowerment, children, abuse, stories
A Day in the Life of a Child at City of Hope! Guest UserJuly 6, 2022children, education, safeguarding, stories
Pursuing Our Vision: Transformed Lives... Flourishing Communities Guest UserApril 26, 2022children, empowerment, stories
Here is the latest news from East Africa! Guest UserMarch 1, 2022children, safeguarding, abuse, empowerment